Portuguese version

Hey, Hello! ✋

Welcome to my website!

This website was created with the passion and ability of a want-to-be junior web dev.

I hope you enjoy. And also, fell free to send me a feedback.


is me

Minha Foto

I'm Rafael de Souza. I'm currently a student aspiring to be a full-stack programmer.

My work ethic

I really put in the effort no matter what I'm doing. That's the same with school. Always with good grades. I believe that dedication and creativity are the two most essential points for any of my work. Follow th rules, but, sometimes, also break them

My story with web development

I always liked technology and what it could do, but I, as most people, never thought too much about it. Then, in 2021, I became really interested in programming. I started to see some programming videos, how to make games, all this kind of thing. So, I said to myself "I could be doing all this!". I started with Python, learning its basics, then moved on to HTML, CSS and JavaScript. And that's where I'm today.

My experience

So far, I've done some websites and basic apps and I know they're just the beginning of something bigger. When I don't know something, I search for it really hard and try to understand it. That's how I learn. I consider myself a junior-junior developer.

My caracteristics

I know

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • GitHub
  • Node.JS
  • BootStrap
  • I am

  • Creative
  • Focused
  • Punctual
  • Responsible
  • Logical
  • And I also know

  • Portuguese
  • Spanish
  • French
  • Italian